Friday, May 4, 2012

Charlie relaxing on the back lawn

"Dogs are miracles with paws."  ~Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

This is my first attempt at an HDR photo.  I used an app on my ipad called "SimplyHDR HD" to make it.  I guess it still counts as an HDR photo.  I did have to make adjustments to get it just the way I wanted.  Anyway, the photo looks amazing on the ipad.  The computer here doesn't do it justice.   I hope it looks better for you.  When it comes to taking Charlie's photo he is such a good little guy.  Annie on the other hand is stubborn and shys away from the camera.  They are like night and day.


  1. Beautifully displayed, Cindy. I enlarged our sweet Charlie, and he IS HD! :)) Tell him for me.
    I love that guy. He's looking good (don't know if you need to tell him too much; he'll get all big-headed, and stuff! :)))
    Give Annie shugars for me, too.
    Love the photo and am excited that you have an IPad and great Apps for your photography!
    Go girl!!!
    Love ya,

  2. Hi Jackie and thank you. Don't worry his head is already huge. He's such a ham. You should see him prance around when he thinks he's been a good boy or he's feeling happy. Reminds me of a show horse. Mama loved to see him do that. Annie will love the Shugars. She will be next. However, the HDR effect doesn't seem to work well on black dogs. I'll have to outsmart her and get a better photo. Maybe then it'll work.
    Hope you are doing well. Things here are about the same. No job yet but I haven't really looked all that hard. I really need to get busy. I did put in two applications today so please wish me luck. Take care and have a wonderful weekend. How are your parents doing?


    1. Prayers for you as you seek the job that the Lord has just for you!
      Mama weighs about 91 pounds; she has a great spirit and outlook on life, though. She is such a fighter, Cindy.
      And Daddy! :)) Well, he'll be 86 this summer, and he and I are working on renovating a home. It's the home I lived in when I was 3 years old. It came up for sale several years ago, and Daddy bought it. He completely gutted the inside of the home, and we are working on rebuilding it. It is a lot of fun to work with Daddy because I learn so much...but he is "kicking my behind" in the work department. I'm going 90 mph to keep up with him, (you have to remember that I'll be 62 this summer!) so I can assuredly say that Daddy is doing fine. I'll tell Mama and Daddy you asked about them. Thank you for that.
      Please tell your Dad that I said hello. I think of you both often.
      Annie will be hard to outsmart...but I know that if anyone can do it, you can. I look forward to the photo you take of her.
      Have a great weekend. Hugs and love to you.... J.

    2. Thanks for the prayers. They are really needed and appreciated. 91 isn't much but it sounds as if she's doing ok. I hope so. Renovations can be a nightmare but I'm sure you and your Dad are up to the challenge and I'm sure it's nice working with him. I will make sure to tell Dad you said hello. You are right about Annie. She will prove to be a difficult model but I'm determined to get a good photo of her. She is so stubborn. Take care and have a wonderful Sunday. Hope you get to relax some. Give your parents a warm hello from me.



I love reading your comments. Thanks for visiting. ~Cindy :)