Wednesday, March 13, 2013


This post was meant to be posted early this morning but due to interruptions I've had to put it aside quite a few times today.  I thought about just posting it tomorrow but I wanted to post something today so, here it is.   

After yesterdays little bit of rain the weather here has turned a little cold but supposedly for only a short time.  The forcasted low for the morning was 39 and our high today is about 74. I really thought that winter was over but I keep forgetting this is Florida.  

Chipping Sparrow on Oak branch
I believe this is called a Chipping Sparrow.  I've been seeing this little bird for quite some time now but haven't been able to get a really good photo of it.  This is the best I've gotten so far.  It loves to forage around the bottom of the tree where two of the bird feeders are hanging.  It blends so well into the brown grass that it's hard to spot.  Luckily for me it decided to perch in the tree this time.  Cute little thing!
Cardinal (male) on wire fence next to feeders

This beautiful male Cardinal decided to grace me with his presence this morning as I sat near the feeders.  He sat on the fence for quite a while.  I think he was contemplating whether or not to visit the feeder.  After a short while he decided against a visit and flew off...

Cardinal (male) sitting above feeders in Oak tree
just as this male flew into the tree.
Blue Jay sitting on seed post
This was taken a few days ago but I wanted to share it with you.  I love Blue Jays!  I think they're such beautiful birds and I really enjoy hearing their musical "queedle-queedle" call. 
.    .    .    .
And the songbirds keep singing
Like they know the score
And I love you, I love you
I love you like never before
~ Eva Cassidy
.    .    .    .
Until next time...happy blogging


  1. Beautiful,beautiful photos. The Cardinal on a branch is exquisite.

    1. Thank you Ruth. I love these birds. They really are beautiful.

  2. fantastic shots of the cardinal. I know how hard it is to get a shot of them. they don't let you get very close and do not sit still for long.

    1. Thank you Doreen. They can be quite a challenge sometimes. I find the female to be a little more shy than the male.

  3. Gorgeous, Cindy! You have a lovely assortment of birds in your area.
    The birds, foliage and sky are beautiful!

    1. Thank you Jackie. I know there are other kinds of birds around my area but I can't seem to attract them to the feeders. Oh well, I guess I should be content with the ones that do visit. Happy Friday.


  4. Excellent shots, Cindy! Yes, I do believe that is a chipping sparrow. They behave much the same way as the song sparrow, appear similar, and also blend well into their surroundings. They are so cute! Nice close up of the cardinal. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Gail. I wasn't completely sure if it was a Chipping Sparrow or not. Some birds can be a little difficult to identify. They are cute little things though. Hope your day is going well.


I love reading your comments. Thanks for visiting. ~Cindy :)